Categories: Skin Care

Activated Charcoal Skin Lightening: Top 5 Methods For Skincare

Activated charcoal skin lightening is my favorite thing to pamper my skin. It is best when it’s come to skincare. It has so many good things in it that it never disappoints you from its result.

Basically activated charcoal is a charcoal which is heated on certain temperature which makes some space in it. That space or pores helps in trapping chemicals. Activated charcoal skin lightening is one of the best results that you get from charcoal.

Activated charcoal is ideal for clogged pores and drawing out impurities from the skin and activated charcoal skin lightening is major concern of most of the women. So I come with awesome benefits of activated charcoal to your skin.


Best 5 ways to use Activated Charcoal Skin Lightening:


For Rejuvenating Skin:

If your skin is feeling dull or unhealthy then use activated charcoal with little water and 1/4th part of spoon of apple cider vinegar.

Mix it well and apply it to your face for 10 minutes wash it off and you will feel much better after that. Your skin will feel squeaky clean and youthful.

For Cleansing and Removing Impurities (Activated Charcoal Skin Lightening):

Activated charcoal has this property of removing impurities from the skin. It is known to suck out the dirt, oil, or any other impurities from the skin and makes it clean and supple.

I myself travel a lot from day to day and with all the pollution and sun rays my skin became very dull and impure. So I start using activated charcoal as a scrub which acts like a cleanser as well.

Activated charcoal skin lightening can be achieve as it removes dead skin and leaving it healthier than before.

For Removing Acne:

The main cause of pimples or acne is excess oil produce due to various factors like pollution, dirt, not following CTM routine etc. This makes your skin extra greasy which invites pimples onto your skin.

Of course other factors also responsible for acne like stress, constipation but if we take good care of our skin then it is possible to remove acne.

Use activated charcoal; open the capsule empty it in some small bowl put some tea tree oil and fresh aloe Vera juice. Apply it on your face and leave for 15 minutes.

Use it once a week. You can also activated charcoal as a cleanser on day to day basis. This helps in removing excess oil from your skin.

For Removing Blackheads (Activated Charcoal Skin Lightening):

I hate when I see blackheads on my nose and I am sure you too. You cannot completely remove blackheads from its root but you can remove it temporary and slow down its production on your nose or chin.

The market is flooded with good charcoal mask and I have personally used black head pore strips which you need to apply and then peel it off. It really works.

For Lightening Dark Underarms:

The skin of your underarms is really sensitive. If you apply deodorant or any other strong perfume (they are not meant for using on your skin) then you will definitely suffers from dark underarms.

Firstly avoid using deodorant having alcohol in it. Try to use roll on instead of deodorant. Wash your underarms with clean water only at night before going to bed.

Now if you have dark underarms, empty activated charcoal capsule in a bowl mix some drops of lemon and ½ tablespoon of honey. Apply it and leave it for 10 minutes and then rinse it off.


Conclusion for Activated Charcoal Skin Lightening:

You can use charcoal mask once in a week and that will be enough to deal with various problems. Try to use “activated charcoal skin lightening” methods and use capsule as they are in pure form. But mostly do not take so much stress and drink plenty of water. Life is beautiful and do not waste it in worrying about pity issues. If you smile daily it will definitely shows on your face.


Filed under: Skin Care

image source: Pixabay

Hirsutism Editorial: Hello! I am a Passionate Blogger from New Delhi, India. Here on Hirsutismlab.com, he is covering topics related to Health, Exercise and Fitness. These articles will help people to live a healthy life. When he is free, he loves to travel to unique places with his friends.
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